

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sovereign Living that is self sufficient, off the grid and as far away from government rule as possible

by Kirby Harris  ~ WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW ~

raised-bed-main-mOur family, the Harris family, are trying to be as self sufficient, healthy, raise our own food, not be dependent on centralized systems for anything, wishing to be off the grid and currently to do it in a suburban setting as much as humanly possible.

We are not perfect and are far from this goal, but its actually a journey and a life long process. So we are learning and trying to pass along any information that can help others to travel on this same journey.

Also, many are seeing that fighting and fixing this political system from within the system may be a lost cause. And instead of wasting their lives to the detriment of their families are opting to focus on living lives outside of the system as best they can and instead living happy productive lives with their family and like minded friends in community. Opting to teach others about liberty and self sufficiency within community.

I found this online reality based video series that does just this, and it is just as high quality and is just as excellent in entertaining content as most corporate TV/Cable created shows.

soverignlivingSovereign Living is a docu-reality TV show that follows the Blush family as they transition from a lifestyle of hardcore political activism to the farm life.

Rather than fighting a system they find tyrannical, John and Cat want to lead by example and live a sovereign lifestyle. This means providing their own food, water, energy and community defense needs.

In an age of large governmental influence, the Blush family aims to explore and learn about how they can take care of themselves and their community, voluntarily.

Themes include: Self-sufficiency, Resolving crime without police, Alternative economies, Alternative education, Home birth, Natural health

Warnings: There is some mild cussing, and though I don’t share the spiritual faith as those on the show, the lessons mentioned above and in the video can be used by those of all faiths or those with none.